Events calendar

VCCCAR actively promotes knowledge exchange across the Victorian adaptation community by publicising news and events from VCCCAR and other research bodies and networks.

Our current events are displayed in the calendar below, and you can also visit our news and events archive here.

SEMINAR: Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

SEMINAR: Beyond Vulnerability Assessments: Defining Objectives for Adaptation Research and Practice

WORKSHOP: Measuring resilience for disaster reduction

BOOK LAUNCH: Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities

PUBLIC LECTURE by Prof Lord Krebs, FRS

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Urban Transitions and Transformations: Science, Synthesis and Policy

2nd international conference on 'Urban transitions and transformations: Science, synthesis and policy'

Regional resilience through strong city centres

VCCCAR Climate Services Think Tank features at international conference

Symposium: Farm profitability in a food insecure world

Climate Adaptation Engineering for cities and coasts symposium 2013

PUBLIC LECTURE: Sir Bob Watson - Is there a sustainable future for the world?

WORKSHOP: Coping with Heat in Birds and Humans

Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference EARTH: FIRE AND RAIN

Climate Adaptation Engineering for cities and coasts symposium 2013

Free seminar: Dr Linda Joyce: Climate change and US forests

Ben Preston - 2013-14 VCCCAR Visiting Fellow

Workshop 3 - Future landscapes

Workshop 2 - Future scenarios

2010 VCCCAR visiting fellow

VCCCAR research development workshops

VCCCAR chair appointed

'Australia's rural research, development and extension system - where to from here'

Fair and feasable climate change adaptation

VCCCAR forum highlights

Climate science communication workshop

2010 VCCCAR research proposals

VCCCAR project news

VCCCAR seminar November 2010

Think tanks round two 2011

SEMINAR: Adapting to climate change: Showcasing new perspectives from the Netherlands – Hans de Moel

Important information regarding round three (2012) adaptation projects

Call for tenders: value and equity framework for climate adaptation: coastal caravan and camping parks study

Symposium: Fire and biodiversity in Victoria

Roy Neel - Towards a just and sustainable post carbon economy

Visiting fellowship (2012) at University of New England (Armidale, Australia)

Climate change adaptation borrel: Dr Lauren Rickards

PIARN webinar - Sustainable intensification of agriculture: producing more with less

Climate Change Adaptation Congress - Creating a climate resilient future for Australia

Economists job vacancies in forest and land economics

VCCCAR and NCCARF seminar: Conserving England's natural environment in a changing climate - Dr Nick Macgregor

Important information regarding round three (2012) adaptation projects

2011 Annual Forum highlights

VCCCAR visiting fellows

World first study uses vineyard records to link early grape ripening to human-induced climate change

Climate Change and Older People Research Network (CCOPRN)

Register now for the Climate Change Science: Impacts and Adaptation for Victoria Symposium

KPMG Report: Expect the unexpected: Building business value in a changing world

Climate Change Adaptation Navigator tool

Celeste Young won Best Overall Poster at the 2012 National Adaptation Conference

VCCCAR visiting fellows for 2012 and 2013 announced

Seminar and Discussion: Learning and change for reducing disasters and increasing adaptation - schools and organisations

Listening to Indigenous voices: Global perspectives on Indigenous participation in decision making for natural resource management

VCCCAR Climate Services Think Tank features at international conference

VCCCAR Director Rod Keenan interviewed at the 2012 Climate Adaptation in Action conference

The Conversation: Rod Keenan - Adapting to climate change: more questions than answers

Bendigo Advertiser - Climate control boosted

The Conversation - From probability to possibility: using scenarios to get our heads around climate change

Bendigo Advertiser - Professor Mike Hulme's keynote presentation

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction website - Framing climate change adaptation in policy and practice

The Conversation - Making hard decisions: it’s time to prepare for climate change

UGEC Viewpoints - Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainability in an Urbanising World

The Age - The deadly decade

The Age - Facing the hard local realities of a warming world

The Age - When the heat is on

NCCARF Emergency Management Network Newsletter - reports on co-hosted workshop

MUSSE - Inaugural VCCCAR Annual Forum

Video presentations - VCCCAR Annual Forum

Yea Chronicle - Climate change talks at Yea forum

UGEC Viewpoints - Australian climate change adaptation developments

Professor John Zillman appointed Chair of VCCCAR Advisory Board

2012 VCCCAR Annual Forum

2011 VCCCAR Annual Forum

2010 VCCCAR Annual Forum

Call for applications for 2013 Wentworth Group Science Program Scholarships

Flood protection and heritage conservation on rivers and streams

Conference 2012: Tackling climate change - the contribution of forest scientific knowledge

Imagining the future at the Australian Science Communicators conference

Robert Glennon - Unquenchable: America’s water crisis and what to do about it

Adapting to flood risk under climate change - a review of good policy and practice - Rob Wilby, VCCCAR 2011 visiting fellow

2011 Jonathan Mann Memorial Lecture

Conserving England's natural environment in a changing climate - Dr Nick Macgregor

Presentation from Rob Roggema, VCCCAR 2010 visiting fellow

Communicating about climate change: Reflections on a workshop process - Sam Ham and John Martin

Fair and feasible climate change adaptation - Sverker Jagers