Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference EARTH: FIRE AND RAIN

The Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference will be held at Jupiters Gold Coast on the 4th - 5th May 2015. Optional workshops are being held on the 3rd May 2015.
2015 will be our 4th Annual Conference, continuing our support for the Disaster and Emergency Management community. You are invited to join us as we continue our focus on natural disasters with the conference theme of “EARTH; FIRE AND RAIN”.
The Conference will feature multi-agency presentations covering all phases of emergency and disaster management – prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. There will be representation by fire, ambulance, emergency, rescue, volunteer, defence and health sectors.
Presentations will facilitate discussion and provide a spotlight on developing leaders in Disaster and Emergency Community. The conference program will include an extensive range of topics with Keynotes, Concurrent Sessions, Case Studies, Workshops and Posters.
The Conference is a joint initiative of four 'not-for-profit' organisations: Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Australian Institute of Emergency Services, Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association Inc, Association for Sustainability in Business Inc.The conference will examine what we have learnt in the past few years and provide a comprehensive forum that shines a light on resilience and offers professionals (and future professionals) an opportunity to examine the expertise, competencies and systems relating to the preparedness for future disasters, emergencies and hazards and the ability to recover from them quickly and efficiently.
For more information about the conference: or email