VCCCAR 2013 Annual Forum


VCCCAR 2013 Annual Forum

The 2013 VCCCAR Annual Forum, Innovations for livability, resilience and adaptation, will focus on innovations in research, industry and government in order to address the impacts of climate change and identify the research required to address future challenges.

Our climate is changing and communities are already starting to adapt to the changes they are experiencing. This is driving innovation in our personal behaviours, our workplaces and the way we design and interact with our built and natural environment. Adaptation will be important in maintaining the future livability and resilience of regional and metropolitan communities and environments. 

Program highlights:

Rob Gell will MC the forum. 
This is the third year Rob has hosted the Forum and VCCCAR is delighted to welcome him back. Rob began his career teaching Geography and Environmental Science at Melbourne State College and Melbourne University, then for thirty-one years presented television weather. He is now a Director of the consultancies World Wind Pty Ltd, bhive Group Pty Ltd and the International College of Environmental Sustainability; Chairman of the UNESCO Western Port Biosphere and Wildlife Victoria, is a member for the Victorian Coastal Council and the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability’s Reference Group.


Keynote Address from 2013 VCCCAR Visiting Fellow, Prof. Jonathan Overpeck, on how research supports innovation in adaptation overseas. ‘Peck’ as he prefers to be called, is the founding co-director of the Institute of the Environment at the University of Arizona, professor of geosciences and of atmospheric sciences, and his work focuses on terrestrial systems. He has published over 130 papers in climate and environmental sciences and served as a Coordinating Lead Author for the Nobel Prize winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment (2007). He was the founding director of the NOAA Paleo-climatology Program and also the World Data Center for Paleo-climatology. He has active research programs in North America, South America, Africa and monsoon Asia, commonly focused on providing paleo-environmental insights on how key aspects of the Earth’s climate system may change in the future. Peck is the director of the University of Arizona Program in Translational Environmental Research, and commits significant time as principal investigator of the Climate Assessment for the Southwest Project (CLIMAS).


A ‘Q&A’ session where government decision-makers will discuss the state Adaptation Plan, the role of research in adaptation policy development and decision-making and how research can support future activities within individual Victorian government departments and across the whole of government. 




Workshops will take place in the afternoon including sessions on: 
Urban and regional resilience and liveability 
Tools and capacity 
Narratives and behavior change 
and Uncertain futures
The workshops will bring together researchers from our different projects and a range of stakeholders and collaborators to have active engagement and discussion around the themes.




Registration fees (include GST):

  • Student rate: $130 (20 places available)
  • Early bird rate: $230 (first 70 registrants)
  • Regular rate: $280

Associated events on Sunday 12 May:

  • Annual Forum welcome reception (more information coming soon)
  • Geelong regional climate adaptation community forum (more information coming soon)

Travel and accommodation 

There are numerous options for visitors to Geelong. A list of accommodation can be accessed here.

One of the easiest ways to travel to Geelong from Melbourne is by train. Follow the link to see the Vline train timetable or visit this page.

For information on how to travel to Geelong from Melbourne by car see map.