Welcome to VCCCAR


The Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research (VCCCAR) was established with Victorian Government funding in 2009 to assist government and other relevant agencies by undertaking climate change adaptation research. The Victorian Government committed $5 million over five years for its operation. Through research and recommendations VCCCAR contributes to the development of strategies to implement effective adaptation measures.

VCCCAR aims to improve government and community understanding about the potential impacts of climate change and adaptation options. Our researchers work closely with all levels of government and the community to ensure that research results make a difference to policy and practice.

The University of Melbourne currently hosts VCCCAR on behalf of the partner universities; Deakin, La Trobe, Melbourne Monash and RMIT. VCCCAR’s activities are not limited to its partner universities and it aims to provide funding and collaborative opportunities for researchers from all Victorian universities.

Professor Rod Keenan, Head of the Department of Resource Management and Geography, in the School of Land and Environment, at The University of Melbourne, is the director of VCCCAR.