Fair and feasable climate change adaptation

A seminar by Associate Professor Sverker Jagers
Department of Political Science, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
The Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research (VCCCAR) and the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, are pleased to host a seminar by Associate Professor Sverker Jagers from the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Sverker Jagers is a political scientist whose research interests include a strong cross-disciplinary focus on the relationship between climate change and political theory.
The presentation considers two issues associated with climate change adaptation. The first is the extent to which climate change adaptation poses different moral questions than mitigation on the basis of who will bear the costs associated with adaptation versus mitigation. The second is the role of insurance as an important element of a comprehensive set of responses designed to adapt the world to future climate change. The seminar will evaluate a recent insurance scheme arising from the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), specifically aimed at dealing with the unfairness built into the climate change issue.
Enquiries regarding this seminar can be directed to VCCCAR, tel: (03) 9035 0235 or send us an email. A hardcopy of the seminar flyer (pdf format) can be obtained by from the link below.