WORKSHOP: Measuring resilience for disaster reduction

Event location: 
RMIT University, 360 Swanston St, Building 8, Level 9, Room 66.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Centre for Risk & Community Safety with the support of the RMIT Diaster Research Network, the Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC, and VCCCAR invite you to attend a workshop on measuring resilience for disaster reduction. Key speaker Prof Joern Birkmann, from the UNU's Institute for Environment and Human Security, and several other speakers will talk about their work and the applicability of Prof Birkmann’s approach.  

At UNU-EHS, Joern is responsible for assessment of vulnerability and resilience. His research area encompasses the development of methodologies to identify and measure vulnerability and the coping capacity of societies, economies and the environment to hazards of natural origin. Joern holds a PhD in Spatial Planning from Dortmund University, a post-doctoral degree in Geography from the University of Bonn, and is licensed as an urban planner. He has expertise in the fields of vulnerability, sustainable development and environmental assessment. He specialises in the development of assessment methodologies and indicators to estimate and evaluate socio-economic trends and environmental degradation. Besides research and training activities at UNU-EHS, Joern also teaches at the Institute for Geography at the University of Bonn. He is currently involved in vulnerability assessment in coastal and flood-prone communities in Indonesia and Vietnam and coordinates the development and testing of indicators to measure vulnerability to floods, heatwaves and droughts, as well as sea level rise in Germany, Egypt and Indonesia.

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