2010 VCCCAR research proposals

Monday, November 1, 2010

This page provides information and resources to assist groups wishing to submit research proposals for consideration for funding in 2010.

Please note applications must be made using the submissions template available as a link to this page by close of business, 3 November 2010. The template should be submitted in word format (not pdf please) to enquiries-vcccar@unimelb.edu.au.


What happens with the research ideas that were developed during the workshop?

The VCCCAR research development workshop held on 22 September was the first phase in the development of research proposals for consideration for funding in 2011. Subsequent to the workshop, the emerging research ideas have been circulated for information and potential wider input. In addition, there have been follow up discussions with key people in government to ensure that emerging projects address government priorities and interests prior to proposal submission in early November.

Will only those research ideas developed at the workshop be considered for funding?

No. Other proposals can also be developed from participants or groups not able to attend the workshop. VCCCAR will actively work with the emerging research teams to ensure the development of proposals address the research priorities and key design criteria.

What are the research priorities for funding in 2011?

Research priority 1: Urban systems, societies, health and infrastructure

Research priority 2: Tools for assessing, communicating and managing climate change risks

Research priority 3: Natural systems, landscapes and regional planning and development

Research priority 4: Institutional responses to climate adaptation

What design criteria will research proposals be assessed against?

Interdisciplinary and multi-institutional: Projects will address the cross-disciplinary, cross-scale challenges inherent to studying ecological and socio-economic systems and build capacity to work in interdisciplinary and multi-institutional teams.

Stakeholder Input: Researchers will work in partnership with government and the community, i.e., policy makers, practitioners and community stakeholders, to understand adaptation challenges, frame research questions and implement projects that fill critical knowledge gaps and provide practical information.

Build on Existing Knowledge Bases: Projects will use and build on the best available knowledge and frameworks for adaptation research and take advantage of existing research and planning networks.

Timely Products: Projects will focus on providing useful products (strategies, tools, knowledge) within a short (up to two year) time frame.

Academic Merit: Research projects will be designed to produce high quality research outputs. The quality of science will be assessed to determine whether the science is sound and how important or ground breaking it is.

Team Competence: Project teams will bring together the highest level experience and skills to successfully carry out research projects.

Value for Money: Projects will be cost effective, realistic and provide good value for the expected benefits. Projects with significant contributions from university partners or likely to develop co-investment from government or industry will favoured.

Project budgets: Projects will be budgeted in accordance with the principle of full cost recovery for research. Project budgeting will include salaries, salary on-costs and allowance of 35% on salary costs for operating overheads plus capital, field and other operating expenses.

The closing date for developed research proposals is close of business, 3 November. Proposals will be reviewed, ranked and endorsed by the VCCCAR Advisory Board on 18 November. Proposals will then be reviewed and approved by the Government Adaptation Research Centre Investment with the aim to have agreements signed and projects commence in early 2011. Additional information about the outcomes of the workshops and the progress of the development and the commencement of the next round of research will be progressively posted onto the VCCCAR website. If you have any questions about the development of research proposals post-workshops, please don’t hesitate to contact VCCCAR at enquiries-vcccar@unimelb.edu.au. For a copy of the research proposal submission template, please click here.