Important information regarding round three (2012) adaptation projects

Monday, August 1, 2011

VCCCAR will not be issuing an open call for research proposals for round three research commencing 2012. In response to advice regarding State Government climate adaptation research priorities for 2011-12 it has been decided to progress the next round of research as follows:

  • A list of potential topics will be identified based on advice from government departments and from project proposals from previous rounds that were rated highly but not funded. It is anticipated 5-6 projects will be identified from this process.
  • The topics arising from this process will be developed for consideration by VCCCAR and the State Government research investment panel before Christmas. Of the initial proposals, it is anticipated 3-4 will be endorsed for commencement in 2012.
  • It is anticipated successful projects will commence in the first quarter of 2012.

Advice regarding the outcome of the selection process will be available from early 2012.