Register now for the Climate Change Science: Impacts and Adaptation for Victoria Symposium

Understanding and managing the risks of climate extremes is an important challenge for Australian scientists as well as for planners and politicians. This is one of a series of annual Royal Society Victoria Symposia on scientific issues of importance in Victoria.
There will be presentations and panel discussions on three aspects of the science of climate change:
- The physical science: Including talks and panel sessions on the observational record, on the major climate drivers for Victoria, on the science of Climate Change Projections and on the science of extreme weather events.
- Impacts on Victoria: Discussions about the impacts on health, on water supply for cities and agriculture, and on sea level rise and coastal inundation
- Adaptation to climate change: Sessions on how adaptation addresses ways we can reduce exposure and vulnerability to a changing climate and its impacts. Adaptation also addresses options for increasing resilience to the potential adverse impacts of climate extremes.
Attendants will hear from leading academics, CSIRO, Bureau of Meteorology and State Government representatives. Most speakers have played leading roles in the assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Speakers include: Ross Garnaut, David Karoly, Rod Keenan, Roslyn Gleadow, Kate Auty, Rob Vertessy, Karl Braganza, Scott Power, Penny Whetton, Kathleen McInnes, Leanne Webb, Lisa Alexander, Grant Blashki, Harmut Fuenfgeld and Lauren Rickards.
The symposium targets University staff and students, Royal Society of Victoria members, and representatives of planning authorities and state government departments. Other interested parties and members of the public are also invited to register and attend.
An overview of the Symposium will appear as a special issue of the peer reviewed journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria in 2013.
Conference website: