Framing multi-level and multi-actor adaptation responses in the Victorian context
Framing multi-level and multi-actor adaptation responses in the Victorian context
The major output of this project was the development of the Adaptation Navigator, a web-based guidance framework designed to assist administrators and decision-makers in local government and other institutions to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Navigator was developed to proof of concept stage and VCCCAR is exploring funding options to enable the Navigator to be fully developed.
The major goal of the project was to better understand the conceptual underpinnings of adaptation and then to translate this academic knowledge into accessible content that could be more effectively used by those responsible for local adaptation planning. In essence, to ‘develop and test an operational framing of adaptation which will act as a decision-making roadmap to better inform adaptation policy and practice by Victorian authorities at the local and regional levels’. The outputs listed below highlight the broad scope of the project and the range of research outputs that will be of interest and value to local and state government decision-makers.
Local adaptation guide
Final reports
- Exploring local narratives of environmental change and adaptation
- Framing adaptation synthesis (final) report
Working papers
- Framing climate change adaptation in policy and practice
- Framing climate change adaptation in policy and practice - executive summary
- Options for assessing the cost of climate change for adaptation policy in Victoria
- The cost of disasters to Australia and Victoria – no straightforward answers
- Costing the impacts of current climate extremes
- Future potential losses from extremes under climate change: the case of Victoria, Australia
Adaptation Navigator
- Visit the Navigator website
- Navigator brochure
- Options paper for the future development of the Navigator.
Case studies
The project was led by Professor Darryn McEvoy, leader of the Climate Change Adaptation Programme at RMIT University. Other project members included:
Dr Hartmut Fuenfgeld, RMIT University
Professor John Handmer, RMIT University
Professor Ray Ison, Monash University
Adriana Keating, RMIT University
Professor Rod Keenan, University of Melbourne,
Sophie Millin, RMIT University/UKCIP
Dr Jana-Axinja Paschen, Monash University
Dr Philip Wallis, Monash University
Dr Joshua Whittaker, RMIT University
Find out more about the Framing Adaptation project:
Darryn McEvoy, RMIT University: