Climate change and health in the regions
The VCCCAR Think Tank held in Hamilton on 29 July 2010 deliberately focused on three different regional communities that have been identified as particularly vulnerable to future climate risks. These are 1) older people, particularly those who are newcomers to regional / rural living, 2) the farming community, and 3) the Indigenous community.
The workshop aimed to identify and better understand the likely climate risks for vulnerable regional communities in Victoria, to improve our understanding of the factors that increase vulnerability (in relation to human health), and to begin to map out effective adaptation strategies and how best to build local adaptive capacity. The workshop brought together local stakeholders, researchers and policy makers and consisted of both formal presentations and interactive break out groups to explore some of the challenges facing the elderly, farming, and Indigenous communities. The event sought to identify knowledge gaps and areas for further collaborative research, as well as highlight how adaptation can be promoted through improved policy and practice.
Follow the link to view the report.