KPMG Report: Expect the unexpected: Building business value in a changing world
The resources on which business relies are becoming more difficult to access and more costly. Changing patterns of economic growth and wealth are likely to strain infrastructure and natural systems. The unpredictable results of a changing climate will affect physical assets and supply chains. And businesses can expect an ever more complex web of sustainability legislation and fiscal instruments.
At the same time more corporations are recognising that there is value and opportunity in responsibility beyond the next quarter’s results; that what is good for people and the planet can also be good for the long term bottom line and shareholder value.
In this report, KPMG’s network of firms analyses a system of ten sustainability megaforces that will impact each and every business over the next 20 years.
Key insights
- The costs of environmental impacts of business operations are doubling every 14 years
- Companies should expect increases in external environmental costs which today are often not shown on financial statements
- Businesses and policymakers must take joint strategic decisions and act now.
Click to download the Executive Summary