Afternoon sessions - Victorian Adaptation Forum


Thursday 20 March 2014

Parallel sessions – strategic priorities arising from the Victorian Climate Change Adaptation Plan

The key objectives of these sessions was to present recent results and application of adaptation research projects, to assess its utility and consider future research needs. Short project presentations, in some cases with responses from government, were used to inform general discussions on the role of research in supporting adaptation in these different sectors. Q and A sessions followed up on key questions emerging from the presentations and responses.

Click on the links to view the available powerpoint presentations from each session

1.20-4.35 pm

Assets and infrastructure

 ‘Hard’ infrastructure

Fires, floods and financial meltdowns: Black swan events and property asset management
Presenter: David M. Higgins, RMIT University

Climate risks and resilience for transport infrastructure
Simon Whitehead, General Manager of Engineering for Public Transport Victoria

Adaptation and emergency management in energy
Presenter: Marwa Khalaf, Department of State Development, Business and Innovation

Developing climate adaptation engineering nexus for resilient built assets
Xiaoming Wang, CSIRO

Coastal defences & flood risk management
Lalitha Ramachandran, Senior Project Manager Sustainability, City of Port Phillip

‘Soft’ infrastructure

Greening the West –  A regional collaborative approach to urban greening
Simon Wilkinson, Manager, Water Efficiency, City West Water

Demonstrating the business case for joint delivery of water sensitive urban design as a climate change adaptation strategy
Presenter: Celeste Morgan, Sustainability Director, E2Designlab

Infrastructure adaptation: Tools for ‘measuring success’
Michael Nolan, AECOM Global Leader - Climate Adaptation 

Permission to adapt? Legal and financial considerations in a port environment
Annette Wiltshire, Research Fellow, Project Manager, University of Melbourne

Infrastructure adaptation: Tools for ‘measuring success’
Michael Nolan, AECOM Global Leader - Climate Adaptation  


Professor Darryn Mc Evoy, RMIT University








1.20-4.35 pm

Natural assets and natural resource based industries

Biodiversity and ecosystems

Biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation: an evolutionary perspective
Presenter: Dr Carla Sgrò, Monash University

Climate-ready conservation objectives
Michael Dunlop, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship

Climate and growth relationships in Melbourne’s urban-European forest: the role of temperature and drought on the observed decline in forest health
Presenter: Craig Nitschke, Research Fellow: Forest Vulnerability and Health, University of Melbourne

How does government support Integrated Land Management (ILM) in regional Victoria under climate change?
Presenter: Janine Haddow, Consultant, Janine Haddow and associates

Transforming planning for climate change in NRM
Phil Wallis, Monash University

Natural resources and resource based industries

Adaptation as adoption? Exploring insights from rural practice change
Lauren Rickards, MSSI, University of Melbourne

Research for climate adaptation and natural resource management
Dr Lynda Chambers, Centre for Australian Weather & Climate Research, Bureau of Meteorology

Climate change projections for Victoria to support natural resource management planning
Penny Whetton, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship

The (as yet fully realised) promise of applying informatics to ecosystem management
Graeme Newell,  Department of Environment & Primary Industries


Professor Andy T.D. Bennett, Deakin University

1.20-4.35 pm

Supporting adaptation in industry

Adaptation overview for Victorian industry and adaptation in the finance, insurance and legal sectors

Smart Futures, SME's and adaptation in Victoria
Celeste Young

Risky business –  the changing relationship between insurance and natural disaster risk
Ben Honan, Public Policy, Suncorp General Insurance

Will a failure to consider climate legal risk result in failure: a message from the courts
Presenter: Mark Baker-Jones, Special Counsel, Planning, Environment and Climate Change

Adaptation in the energy sector
Michael Lord, Senior Consultant, Sustainability and Climate Change (RPS Group)

Adaptation in the housing and property, tourism, urban water and social services sectors

Adaptation and Property Development
Presenter: Alianne Rance - Associate, Net Balance

Uncork the genie: Networked localised infrastructures building climate resilience
Che Biggs - Research Fellow, The Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab

Climate change and the community sector
Bridget Tehan, Victorian Council of Social Services

Sustainable, Resilient and Liveable Cities: Adaptation in the Urban Water Industry
Presenter: Ross Allen - CRC for Water Sensitive Cities / Monash University


Professor Nigel Tapper, Monash University,

Celeste Young, Victoria University


 1.20-4.35 pm

Supporting partnerships with local government and the community

Local government adaptation planning and implementation

EUA finance for the regions - The economic benefits of retrofitting Victoria’s building stock through environmental upgrade agreements
Scott McKenry, Regional Coordinator, Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action

The Port Phillip Bay coastal adaptation pathways project
Bernie Cotter, Executive Officer ABM,  & Michael Nolan, Global Leader, Climate Adaptation

Community perceptions of responsibility for adaptation to sea level rise
Presenter:Elissa Waters, Research Fellow, Department of Resource Management and Geography, University of Melbourne

Community driven adaptation planning: The bottom up approach that’s delivering results
Presenter:Rohan Hamden, Manager, Climate Change Partnerships, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia

Community partnerships for adaptation

Presentation: 2021 – preparing  for a different future
Presenter: Paul Davis Manager Innovation and Change, Fire Services Commissioner

Are we adapting to heatwaves?
Neville Nicholls, Monash University

Use of indigenous knowledge for natural resource management - lessons learned and future work
Presenter:Dave Griggs Director, Monash Sustainability Institute

Community participation and environmental reporting
Presenter:Kate Auty, Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability

An analysis of approaches and lessons learnt to delivering four pilot Local Coastal Hazard Assessments under present and future climate conditions
Presenters:Alex Edwards, Manager: Sustainability and Adaptation Programs & Ross Martin, Senior Sustainability Manager –  Department of Environment and Primary Industries


Professor John Martin, University of Technology, Sydney,

Dr Hartmut Fünfgeld, RMIT University

4.35-4.55 pm

Review and reflection on adaptation research in Australia



Dr Benjamin Preston, 2014 VCCCAR Visiting Fellow

4.55-5.00 pm

Conference close


Professor John Zillman, Chair, VCCCAR Advisory Board