1.20-4.35 pm
Assets and infrastructure
‘Hard’ infrastructure
Fires, floods and financial meltdowns: Black swan events and property asset management Presenter: David M. Higgins, RMIT University
Climate risks and resilience for transport infrastructure Presenter: Simon Whitehead, General Manager of Engineering for Public Transport Victoria
Adaptation and emergency management in energy Presenter: Marwa Khalaf, Department of State Development, Business and Innovation
Developing climate adaptation engineering nexus for resilient built assets Presenter: Xiaoming Wang, CSIRO
Coastal defences & flood risk management Presenter: Lalitha Ramachandran, Senior Project Manager Sustainability, City of Port Phillip
‘Soft’ infrastructure
Greening the West – A regional collaborative approach to urban greening Presenter: Simon Wilkinson, Manager, Water Efficiency, City West Water
Demonstrating the business case for joint delivery of water sensitive urban design as a climate change adaptation strategy Presenter: Celeste Morgan, Sustainability Director, E2Designlab
Infrastructure adaptation: Tools for ‘measuring success’ Presenter: Michael Nolan, AECOM Global Leader - Climate Adaptation Permission to adapt? Legal and financial considerations in a port environment Presenter: Annette Wiltshire, Research Fellow, Project Manager, University of Melbourne Infrastructure adaptation: Tools for ‘measuring success’ Presenter: Michael Nolan, AECOM Global Leader - Climate Adaptation
Professor Darryn Mc Evoy, RMIT University
1.20-4.35 pm
Natural assets and natural resource based industries
Biodiversity and ecosystems
Biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation: an evolutionary perspective Presenter: Dr Carla Sgrò, Monash University Climate-ready conservation objectives Presenter: Michael Dunlop, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship
Climate and growth relationships in Melbourne’s urban-European forest: the role of temperature and drought on the observed decline in forest health Presenter: Craig Nitschke, Research Fellow: Forest Vulnerability and Health, University of Melbourne
How does government support Integrated Land Management (ILM) in regional Victoria under climate change? Presenter: Janine Haddow, Consultant, Janine Haddow and associates
Transforming planning for climate change in NRM Presenter: Phil Wallis, Monash University
Natural resources and resource based industries
Adaptation as adoption? Exploring insights from rural practice change Presenter: Lauren Rickards, MSSI, University of Melbourne
Research for climate adaptation and natural resource management Presenter: Dr Lynda Chambers, Centre for Australian Weather & Climate Research, Bureau of Meteorology
Climate change projections for Victoria to support natural resource management planning Presenter: Penny Whetton, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship
The (as yet fully realised) promise of applying informatics to ecosystem management Presenter: Graeme Newell, Department of Environment & Primary Industries
Professor Andy T.D. Bennett, Deakin University
1.20-4.35 pm
Supporting adaptation in industry
Adaptation overview for Victorian industry and adaptation in the finance, insurance and legal sectors
Smart Futures, SME's and adaptation in Victoria Presenter: Celeste Young
Risky business – the changing relationship between insurance and natural disaster risk Presenter: Ben Honan, Public Policy, Suncorp General Insurance
Will a failure to consider climate legal risk result in failure: a message from the courts Presenter: Mark Baker-Jones, Special Counsel, Planning, Environment and Climate Change
Adaptation in the energy sector Presenter: Michael Lord, Senior Consultant, Sustainability and Climate Change (RPS Group)
Adaptation in the housing and property, tourism, urban water and social services sectors
Adaptation and Property Development Presenter: Alianne Rance - Associate, Net Balance
Uncork the genie: Networked localised infrastructures building climate resilience Presenter: Che Biggs - Research Fellow, The Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab
Climate change and the community sector Presenter: Bridget Tehan, Victorian Council of Social Services
Sustainable, Resilient and Liveable Cities: Adaptation in the Urban Water Industry Presenter: Ross Allen - CRC for Water Sensitive Cities / Monash University
Professor Nigel Tapper, Monash University,
Celeste Young, Victoria University
1.20-4.35 pm |
Supporting partnerships with local government and the community
Local government adaptation planning and implementation
EUA finance for the regions - The economic benefits of retrofitting Victoria’s building stock through environmental upgrade agreements Presenter:Scott McKenry, Regional Coordinator, Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action
The Port Phillip Bay coastal adaptation pathways project Presenters: Bernie Cotter, Executive Officer ABM, & Michael Nolan, Global Leader, Climate Adaptation
Community perceptions of responsibility for adaptation to sea level rise Presenter:Elissa Waters, Research Fellow, Department of Resource Management and Geography, University of Melbourne
Community driven adaptation planning: The bottom up approach that’s delivering results Presenter:Rohan Hamden, Manager, Climate Change Partnerships, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia
Community partnerships for adaptation
Presentation: 2021 – preparing for a different future Presenter: Paul Davis Manager Innovation and Change, Fire Services Commissioner
Are we adapting to heatwaves? Presenter: Neville Nicholls, Monash University
Use of indigenous knowledge for natural resource management - lessons learned and future work Presenter:Dave Griggs Director, Monash Sustainability Institute
Community participation and environmental reporting Presenter:Kate Auty, Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
An analysis of approaches and lessons learnt to delivering four pilot Local Coastal Hazard Assessments under present and future climate conditions Presenters:Alex Edwards, Manager: Sustainability and Adaptation Programs & Ross Martin, Senior Sustainability Manager – Department of Environment and Primary Industries
Professor John Martin, University of Technology, Sydney,
Dr Hartmut Fünfgeld, RMIT University